
{Weekend Rewind} Oh Monday...& A Polish Swap

Here we are again. Another weekend has come and gone!
Hope you all had a great weekend!

I am going to make this post short and sweet! 
After a long weekend of working and on the go, I am going to spend the day with my Kiddies! 
I miss them so much!!
All in All a great weekend!
Visited some really special people in my life, both whom just went through some major surgeries this past week. My Hubs' amazing Grandma is recovering beautifully from surgery that went very well, had to remove a blockage in her neck. Spent some time at their house Saturday night, Grandpa even made a pie!! It was YUMMERS!
Also over this last week my Aunt has been in the hospital, I haven't really found the exact reason for it yet. She had some MAJOR surgery yesterday morning, so I stopped by to visit with her. It was so nice to see a smile one her face and she was full of jokes! I loved hearing all the positive thoughts she had! She is truly a fighter!! She still has a long road ahead of her, with possibly another surgery. So I will praying for healing and  good health!! She deserves it!

Did you all do anything fun this weekend?? 


I joined a Polish Swap Hosted by
Rachel at lala Lists
Such a cute idea! Great way to meet new bloggie ladies and plus who doesn't love NAIL POLISH!?
My Swap buddies was the wonderful 
She sent me some awesome polishes! I can't wait to use them, I have been lacking on my polish changing lately, but plan on taking them to my upcoming pedicure appointment!!
Thank you so much SARA!!!!
I hope you liked yours as well!!


  1. So happy you liked them, Heidi! :) Thank you for mine!!


  2. Im loving this polish swap idea!!!! Hope your aunt is okay!!! Following you with BlogLovin!!! Feel free to follow back!! Have a great week!!


  3. ahh i am in love with that red glitter!!! thanks so much for swapping with us!

  4. That red is great. That's definitely a color I'd pick when I go get pedicures.


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