
valentine's recap

Hope you all had a fabulous weekend! We have some sick little one in the house, so I am a little behind on getting posts done!! Thought I would share some of our Valentines from last week. I usually forgo the whole candy and chocolate stuff, and get fun goodies instead. 
(This doesn't mean I don't eat sweets!)
I got the kids some little toys that they both like. Lil Miss LOVES Toy Story and Lil Man LOVES his toy cars! The fun face glasses were a hit too!
While brother napped, sister and I baked up some cookies. She was over the moon when I told her we were going to decorate them too! 
I think she did more cookie-licking that actual cookie decorating... And there were more sprinkles on my floor than on the cookie themselves! She enjoyed it though.
I always feel like my Hubby is so hard to get gifts for. I always try to get something different and that he wouldn't get for himself. Recently he got a new position at his job, YAY HUBBY!, and now he has an office and a desk. I decided to get some plain little frames and print up some photos of the family and the the kids, something to have on his desk. And of course Valentines Day isn't Valentines Day with out a card... or 3! If you haven't checked out Julie Ann Art's cards, you are really missing out!! They are so out of the box and fabulous!! All those things you think of saying, she makes them into cards! My Hubby LOVED the "I Love You A Sh*t Ton" card so much, he took it to work to sit on his desk for everyone to see! 
We ended up not going out to dinner, which was totally fine with me. Instead we enjoyed some YUMMY Chinese take out! My kind of Valentines dinner if you ask me!


  1. Lovely photos and valentines day you had! New follower coming from GFC collective.

  2. fun weekend! i love those little treat/gift bags - soooo cute. and your card to your hubby is hilarious and perfect!
    -- jackiejade.blogspot.com

  3. I sent my boyfriend a Julie Ann card too (you're my favourite thing to do) I thought that one was hilarious. Looks like you had a great Valentine's day!!

    Summer x

  4. Great Valentine's recap, the baby girl is super adorable!!!!



  5. Looks so much fun! Love those neon bags. Super cute.

  6. Those gifts look like so much fun. So cheerful. We got Chinese takeout for Valentine's Day too. Happy to have found your lovely blog via the GFC Collective hop. Now following you. :) Jo



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