
bye bye GFC

It's been officially announced that Google Friend Connect, GFC, will be retired on July 1. While this might be slightly freaky to some, there are still some easy ways for you to still follow along and not feel lost as to what's being posted here.

 You can simply subscribe by email to my blog and have a newsletter sent directly to your lovely inbox every time I have a new post up. Kind of convenient and no hassle on your part, or mine for that matter. See that little area on the right, the one that says "Subscribe by Email"... Go ahead, plug in your email and you're done!

 If you don't use it yet, you will now. It's an easy way to stay up to date on all your favorite blogs (if they are signed up that is) in one spot. So if you don't already follow me on there, what are you waiting for!? Click this fun little icon to be directed to my Bloglovin' page.
Follow on Bloglovin

While Facebook doesn't show the full post, I still make a point to share on there when I do have a new post up. Still a great way to follow along and stay in touch, if you aren't directly on the blog.
Here is the link for you Antlers & Roses Facebook Page

There are a few other ways to stay connected here. Either way you choose, you are guaranteed to stay up to date with what's going on here. I thank you all who have followed me through the GFC, and I will miss that little space in my sidebar with all your cute little faces!!


  1. Following you with Bloglovin'...made the change this morning. I feel like this is blogosphere suicide for Google. Don't they realize how many bloggers there are out there and that we all use Reader? Their page hits will go way down. Buy Bloglovin' stock now ;)

  2. Following you on Bloglovin :)



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