

I think every mom can agree with me when I say coffee is a necessity, especially for moms! I find I can't function with out a nice warm cup of joe. I guess you could say I am some what addicted- okay it's apparent that I am totally dependent on coffee, no need to beat around the bush on that. I have been experimenting over the past few months with different types of brewing systems and trying different roasts. I went from your basic instant brew and LOADS of creamer to a hip French press and frothed milk. But my world was forever rocked when I received an espresso machine for my birthday! Lattes and cappuccinos all day everyday!

  While I still strive to maintain my "Gold" status at the 'Bucks- you can't beat a nicely brewed cup of coffee in the comfort of your own home (unless they start to deliver, but we all know that's not happening). I literally jump out of bed at thought of drinking a delicious cup of awesomeness! And the "normal" thing to do after making a cup, is of course to take a pic of that shiz!  If you follow me on Instagram, then you have seen my photos... And you might even be annoyed with them- or love them...


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