
recipe // moscow mule

I have a new favorite drink...
The ever so popular Moscow Mule has made it's way in to my life and I don't ever want it to leave.
I usually never go for mixed drinks (unless it's my Mom's margarita) that involve vodka- long story.
But I thought I would give these a try, I mean what's the worst that could happen... Don't answer that.
I love these little guys and even added an "essential" twist.

  • 2 oz of vodka (I used a Citrus vodka)
  • 2 drops of Young Living Lime Essential Oil  (Ask me how you can yourself some) or juice from half a lime
  • 1/2 a bottle of Ginger Beer (I wasn't too exact, just filled it to the top of the glass)
  • Ice

Time to mix

Add the ice and 2 oz of vodka to a glass (I was hoping to have those lovely copper cups, but couldn't find any, but any glass will do)

Add 2 drops of Young Living Lime Essential Oil or the juice from half of a lime. Save the other half for garnish

Add in half of your Ginger Beer. I found this one at Target, it's great by itself too.


Give it a stir.

Add a lime slice for garnish. I saw some recipes also use mint, but I am not really a fan so I opted out.

Now get some friends together and enjoy a few rounds of these bad boys.

What's your favorite mixed drink?? I'm up for trying new ones, leave some suggestions in the comments.

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