
hello 2013

Bye 2012...Hello 2013
So many things to be grateful for this past year.
So many memories made, new friendships created, and so much laughter enjoyed.
I am so thankful for my healthy family and all that we have and also gained through out 2012.
I can't wait to see what 2013 has in store for us!
I have decided that my Word for the year will be Embrace. 
Embrace every moment that is given to me, Embrace my kids for they continue to grow like weeds, Embrace my Husband for the wonderful man that he is and our amazing marriage as well. Embrace...LIFE
Of course with a new year, that long list of resolutions you make...which never really become anything but a scribble on that "to-do list". 
But it wouldn't be a new year with out them, so here is a list of ones that I have made and hope to carry on through the year. (I really tried to be realistic...well, kind of)
  1. Become a better wife (Not that I think I am a bad one, but there is always room for improvement)
  2. Become a better mom (refer to #1)
  3. Drink more water (I have to be better at this, seriously!)
  4. Wake up earlier (So I can get things done before the kids wake)
  5. Live up to my word; Embrace
  6. Continue to grow as a blogger; gain more experience and knowledge
  8. Also grow as a photographer (Plan to carry my camera with me more to capture life's precious moments)
  9. Go on more Dates with my Hubby
  10. Enjoy more get together with Friends
  11. Continue to do more Random Acts of Kindness 
  12. Be myself
  13. Stand up for myself
  14. Love myself (kind of vain sounding, but I really do need to)
I think that's a good start. Hoping I can live up to my list the entire year!
I also started doing Project Life 365. A daily photo challenge through out the year to help inspire your creativity. I am really excited about this!! I will be posting my photos daily on my Instagram and Twitter feeds. Then at the end of each week I will post a recap of the weeks photos here on the blog. Even with it only being the first day, I already feel inspired!

Here's to an AMAZING New Year!


  1. What a great 2013 post. I'm pretty sure if I were to write a 2013 post it would have all of the same resolutions! Except the husband and kids part, because i'm single and that would just be weird. Happy New Year!

  2. Stopping by from the blog hop. Great 2013 post. I have not said my resolutions out loud, but your list sounds good.


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