
The Unloved...

I felt the need to get down to business with this mess that I like to call my closet!
 Ok, so normally it's not this bad, clothes everywhere but where they need to be...
Laundry is one of my least favorite chores, but that's besides the point. 
About every few months or so, I try to make a point to go through my clothes and weed out the "Unloved" items and then donate them so they can feel Loved again. In the process of doing this, I always come across those few pieces that I am so torn over. I find myself asking, well myself, "Does it fit?" "I am I going to wear it again?" "Do I feel great about myself when I wear it?" Of course the answer is always No, but for some silly reason I never get rid of those clothing pieces. I strangely convince myself that I will wear it one day and when ever I do, I will be 5 sizes smaller and it will make me feel better than ever... Yet when I come back to repeat my cleaning process, those items still hang there, Untouched and Unloved. And so the process repeats itself. Now I find that my closet is full of clothes that I never wear, but I just don't have the heart to get rid of them! Like they really care, it's just a shirt for crying out loud!!  HA! That's easier said than done!
So it came time to do my monthly clean out, and this time I decided to not ask myself a list of questions to help convince my brain that I need to keep that shirt that I bought 4 years ago and only wore once because I felt like I was 12 with the silly graphic on the front! And I wasn't going to keep that vest that I so dearly love,  mainly because I bought it in the Maternity section when I was pregnant!! But trust me when I say this, I rocked that vest, pregnant or Not!!
I did it!!! I got rid of every top, bottom and everything in between that had been taking up valuable space for newer items that I do Love. I think my new Loved items were feeling more Unloved than my actual Unloved items...It was a sad sight! 
But now those lovely flowy tops and fun stripey knits hang proudly in their new home. Waiting to be worn over and over again. And of course, waiting for the arrival of any new Lovelies that make their way back to my closet, which seems to be happening quite often lately!
Out with the old Maternity Tops...In with my new FUN Target Tops!
Even got rid of shoes and purses....I know it's hard to believe that there was more than this!
Filled a bag of trash and a bag to donate, which I am sure my sister's will fish through first and find their New Loves. Also wanted to give a shout out to my Hubby's side. Of  course he doesn't ever have to deal with the same dilemmas that I am constantly faced with LOL 


  1. Haha I like this alot! I also like your blog name, very cute. I am now your newest follower! :)

  2. Same here SO GUILTY of this! I have my high school graduation size 4 dress...come on I'm not even an 8 on a good day! Can I say I'm OBSESSED with you headboard. LOVE!

    1. I hear ya, how I wish to still be my high school size (sighs) I love my headboard too! I have had it for YEARS and don't have the slightest idea where I got it from!! LOL


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